"I Come" - Arts Camp 07 Songwriters Co-Op

The words are from the song that was written by the songwriters class during Arts Camp during the week of August 1 - 4, 2007. The Come to the River Band debuted the song on the evening of August 4th which was the culmination of the camp with performances by the various artists that attended. Genres included dance, paintings created by the attendees and live painting by Sallie Carter (you can see her painting from the last CTTR in some of the photos), a creative writing reading, this song, and the Human Video that was shot and produced during the week (look for this on the IAM blog in the next few weeks) as well as music by the CTTR band. This picture was taken during dance rehearsal on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a beautiful gift. Now all the world may see and know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.